Friday, October 15, 2010

Mashups and Stuff

Taking existing art then turning it into something that is your own is certainly art within itself. Do I always enjoy those collages of different art - works mashing together to be something different? Not really. The film, "Decasia", for me, was somewhat a waste of film. John and Julia asked if the film from the video should have been saved from melting away, and my response was that it certainly shouldn't have. Perhaps I do not fully appreciate vintage film but "Decasia" was just a on - going head ace for me. I feel like the music playing through out was the icing on the cake. The loud banging and sirens screaming through the entire piece reminded me of the film, "Man With a Movie Camera", directed by Dziga Vertov. In my opinion I did not see the point, but perhaps that is the point. What some consider art others may consider irrelevant. At the end of the day isn't that the beauty of being an artist in the first place? On a different note, William Burrough's article, "The Cut Up Method of Brion Gysin" was something that was more reasonable, and something I would consider art. Poetry is a form of art that can be that open to different pieces written by different artists colliding. Poetry does not always have to rhyme. There are very few restrictions for a poet. Filmmakers, on the other hand, should want to produce something that will ultimately get a point across to its' viewers. I am not saying every film needs to have a plot, but can it at least have a storyline? Am I not being open - minded enough? What do you think? Below is a video of a mashup video that I feel is rather clever. Check this out.

1 comment:

  1. There was a narrative to Decasia in that there was the progression from birth to death and a commentary on the ultimate decay of humans and of the film. It is an experimental film and perhaps you are not familiar with this very non-Hollywood genre? "Man with a movie camera"was a good connection. It is a classic and influenced many filmmakers!
